
floating yaya

Yesterday while photographing yaya2, it blow around and disappeared. I could not find it, not on the plant, not on the ground.

Then I saw it, close to the ground, floating in a spiderweb.

Just posted


Sketchbook Project

yaya Sketchbook Project 2013 is now in the Art House Co-op digital library.

They have done a wonderful job of archiving my project. (yaya Sketchbook Project 2013). Now I will need to download the images for my archives.

The Sketchbooks goes on tour and more cities keep getting added. I will be able to participate in the library aspect of this project when it comes to LA. My book will be on the shelves and can be found with call number 200.2-6


Mister Chumley

Our new family member.


Richard Jackson

On Friday I finally got back up to OCMA to see the Richard Jackson: Ain't Painting a Pain, and it was well worth the effort.

I did the audio tour with my phone and it was surprisingly informative and not over my head.

His work is investigative, very well made, and has a sense of humor. I enjoyed the entire show, and am motivated to keep on working, and I love the drawing on tracing paper, what a wonderful medium.

I wonder why I had not heard of him before. I am very glad to have bought the exhibition catalogue. It will be great to spend more time and learn more about this artist.

All the pictures I took are in a Flickr Set 
And how did I forget to get another picture of Bad Dog, I got one the first time we tried to see the show, and then deleted it off my phone. But here it is, thanks to laughing squid: