I have been thinking about my practice.
I am wondering if any art practice can facilitate change, or awareness. I am wondering if it is an efficient and effective method for change. I am wondering if an art practice can separate itself from being about the artist, the practice, with the information one wants to get out there. Can it be just about the message.
It is feeling like an arrogant position for an art practice. I start to feel uncomfortable.
I am questioning what I want my practice to be. I am not sure, but I do know, I do not what it to be, an in-your-face, this is what I think, practice. Who am I to shove what I think at you. I need to stop that.
I think about my Free Art project. It being partially about bringing awareness of contemporary art to a population, I think, are unaware of it. As I ponder this, I get more uncomfortable, and realize this is not what I want my practice to be about.
I think of abandoning the Free Art project altogether. But, I like to create digital prints, and I don’t want them being stored in the studio. I would prefer, if someone likes one, that they have it. The project needs to be just this.
There will be no Free Art Rally that I organize.
There will be no more Facebook posts on my wall, and I am not sure about “liking” something. Does it really matter that I “like” something. Probably not. Might be best to stop this.
I think it is time to simplify my practice. Possibly time to become a semi-reclusive artist. I need to work on becoming the person I want to be, and my art practice will follow.