
I am not too sure about our actions

It was announced yesterday that the United States of America killed Osama Bin Ladin. At least that’s how I took it. When I first heard this my immediate thought was, it is never a good idea to kill a martyr. Then I thought, is is never a good idea to kill.

I was saddened by how President Obama made the announcement. I am disheartened that we did not tried to capture him alive, and bring justice through a trial. I do not understand why we condemn such behavior by others, but it’s okay for us to do it. I do not understand what we are doing, 3 wars?

It seems to me Bin Ladin died exactly how he wanted to, in a blase of gun fire.  He has succeeded in taking away much of our freedom, instilling fear, and making it an everyday part of our lives. I find myself fearful of making such statements. And I know I cannot post such thoughts on Facebook, and I wonder if I am making a mistake by doing so here.


Michele Guieu said...

I agree with you Lori.

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr

Lori said...

Thank you Michele for this beautiful quote, and Martin Luther King Jr, for this beautiful quote.