
Jun 7 & 8


What I’ve noticed for us is that because we are self-employed we know our debt will increase during an economic down turn. We will have to use lines of credit, and credit cards to make it through. We have gone through it before.

What’s interesting is that during an economic down turn there are great opportunities to buy. There are fabulous sales and offers of zero % interest for extended periods of time.

Our buying goes up during economic down turns. It does seem a little out of wack to do this, but we do.

We are helping the economy.

Soon we will be working like crazy.

We will not have time to be consumers and we will pay down our debt.


Until the next economic down turn.


I finally got a map of the local parcourse. I finally got by butt out there to do the parcourse.

I finally know how out of shape I’ve really gotten, especially my upper body.
I could not do many of the upper body exercises.

I finally know there is no more time to be delusional about being fit.

I finally know it is time to get my muscles strength back, no excuses.

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