
I wonder maybe

The installation Canyon Shadow Play for me has been successful. There are things I would change and do differently which gives me lessons and opportunities.
Overall I think those who have graciously take time from their busy schedules to come to the space have enjoyed the experience. I know there are those who regret taking this time out of their life and I feel badly about that.

I wish the comment had not been left anonymous. When one does this there is no dialogue, and I don’t understand why someone taking the time to write something would not be interested in having a dialogue. We could have had a very interesting conversation, instead we are both left with nothing.
I wonder what art isn’t self indulgent.
I wonder why this viewer saw this installation as more self indulgent than other works.
I wonder if the viewer expects art to be somewhat disturbing.
I remember Robert Irwin speaking about his choice to live in California over NYC; how his work and he are not filled with angst.
I begin to think the statement this person wrote smacks of shallow self indulgence and they have given nothing deep.
Maybe this person saw themselves in my work and did not recognize themselves.
Maybe I can let go and stop thinking about this.

1 comment:

Michele Guieu said...

Lori, do not dwell too much on it.
Personally, I cannot stand when someone makes a statement and does not dare to sign his/her real name! It happens all the time on internet where one can post comments and it drives me nuts.