
Protest or Promotion?

I received an email from MCASD about an event they will have. They are calling it “Sitting in Solidarity for Ai Weiwei”

At first I thought I must participate in this event. Then I read on learning more about it I became more and more suspect.
At first I thought how ingenious that we could sit in solidarity in Weiwei’s work, “Marble Chair”,  the museum purchased 2 this month. But no, the chairs for the sit in are “two traditionally styled Chinese chairs”, I assume made in China.

Why aren’t we sitting in his chairs, making a real connection, using them for something he would more than applaud.
Then there’s the time frame. 24 hours starting Thu May 19 at 11. Thu May 19 also being the museums Free Third Thursday event.

Why 24 hours. There is no significance to this amount of time. Weiwei has been held, up until this point, for 45 days, 1,080 hours, and we can’t sit more than 24 hours, taking turns for 1 hour each.

Having witnessed the 60’s and early 70’s. Although not old enough to participate in the many protests, sit-ins, and marches. I was very much made aware of what was going, via my liberal parents, and TV, and I am not sure this constitutes being anything but a promotion.

And I find myself embarrassed to be a member.
All artwork above is that of Ai Weiwei

1 comment:

Lori said...

Proof Positive:
Yesterday MCASD had selected pictures of participants sitting in the chairs.
One pair was MCASD curator Robin Clark and photographer Philipp Scholz Rittermann, who's exhibit opens at MCASD next week.
There was much coverage of the event on the internet, including http://blogs.artinfo.com/modernartnotes/2011/05/a-scene-from-mcasds-protest-for-ai-weiwei