
another change

As the world becomes more and more accessible to more and more people, I find myself becoming more and more reclusive.

I find a need now to have my writing practice be private. As I came to this realization I thought I would title this last post, THE END. But, as I thought about this I became aware that there are no ends, it is just a change. Even books and movies live on in our memories and discussions.

This has been a very valuable experience and I am grateful to all of you who took the time to have a glimpse into my internal dialogue.

For now internal dialogue will stay available in this public realm.


1 comment:

noel said...

lori darling, don't you dare end your dialogue or it would not be a dialogue at all. I enjoy reading your posts whenever i need to balance my reading from perez hilton, tmz, etc. I also get inspired by other people's writing which motivates me to write when i don't feel like it. Also, congratulations on finding the circle. I knew it was meant to be!
xoxo n