
problem cheap

I am very concerned about the growing acceptance for the use of nuclear energy here in the United States.

There remain many issues related to the production of nuclear energy:
Highly dangerous waste
Mining of uranium
Safety and health
Weapons proliferation
Setting a responsible example
Not a renewable resource

As I listened to Barrack Obama’s acceptance speak for the democratic presidential candidate, I wondered why I did not hear anything about conservation. I am very concerned when I hear him speak about increasing nuclear energy for the US.

It seems we Americans have a self perspective that we are entitled.

I ask:
Why should energy be cheap?
Why should housing be cheap?
Why should the cost of manufactured goods be cheap?
Why should food be cheap?

Why don’t we do with less, pay what something is really worth (resource and labor)?

I will end up voting for Obama, but where is that person who will lead us to setting the example of what it means to be a responsible nation.



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